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Eastside YMCA Pickleball Schedule

Renee Majchrzak posted almost 3 years ago
Hello Eastside YMCA pickleball friends!
Just a few important upcoming schedule details:
Friday, May 6th the Eastside Y will not be available for pickleball open play, as senior assessments will be taking place in the gym.
Beginning June 13th, there will be some changes to our current open play schedule. Please note...
Monday / Wednesday / Friday  (GYM 1) - Open Play - 11:00am - 1:00pm
Tuesday / Thursday  (GYM 1) Beginner Play Only  - 11:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday  (GYM 2)  8:00am - 10:00am Novice Open Gym (no instructor);
                 10:00am - Noon - Open Play
There will be no evening Open Play offered during the summer schedule.