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Progress at Baldwin and Urban University Shootout

Elena Arnold posted almost 2 years ago

Baldwin Park 

Things are happening at Baldwin Park!  Here are some picture updates.  If you are there and see progress and take pictures, feel free to email them to me  Very excited to see these plans for local courts come to fruition!
Baldwin Park April 2023

Urban University

Tomorrow is the day for the Urban University Shootout!  This is going to be a good one.  Fun and Competitive divisions kicking off at 3:00 pm.  Come cheer on your friends and shop the raffle... there are some fantastic items up for grabs! Please read through to the bottom- these is an exciting addition that I am especially "pumped" for.

A few things to note:

The Erie City Mission's Urban University youth program exists to develop students (7th - 12th grade) in Erie County toward servant leadership through a variety of experiences that include career exploration, academic enrichment, mentorship, service learning, and faith formation. Some of our students and their families will be observing, playing, and serving at this event. We appreciate you modeling leadership through positive sportsmanship.

Because there will be a collegiate tennis match being played at the same time, we ask that you practice the following court etiquette:
  • Do not walk down the center of the courts, please use the walkway behind the courts (follow signs, and enjoy a little pickleball trivia along the way)
  • Enter Pickleball Shootout courts at DESIGNATED ENTRANCE ONLY
  • Keep voices low so as not to disturb player’s focus.

BYOC – You are encouraged to bring your own chair.

We appreciate the individuals and businesses who donated baskets and gift cards toward the raffle!  Come check it out.


This is the part I am super excited for!  Urban University designed some Erie specific pickleball gear!  Check out the merch.  I LOVE this idea and think you will too. Click below to shop.