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Local Summer Shootouts

Elena Arnold posted over 1 year ago
There is only ONE spot left in the Senior Rotating Round Robin Shootout.  WOW, that filled fast! The open spot is in the 66 and older division.  Click here to snag it!  I highly encourage any interested parties to get on the waitlist.  Wait to pay until you are moved off of the waitlist, but things do happen and people withdraw. 

The save the date was sent out for July 15 and 16's Shootout.  This event will be posted tomorrow morning!  Stay tuned for details regarding times and divisions.  Spoiler alert: this shootout will have mens doubles, womens doubles, and mixed doubles based on skill levels, not age!

Help session for registration will be Wednesday, June 14 from 9:30-10:30 am at Westwood Racquet Club.  The senior crowd KILLED IT this time with registration, so I'm guessing not too many people will need help!  For those registered for the Senior Shootout, stop by if you need assistance with online payment.  You will just need to be able to log into your EPPA account or know your email address and password.