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Sunshine Shootout Registration Open!!

Andre Francis posted over 1 year ago

Hello all you summer picklers!

This is your first message from your new VP and I've got some exciting news.

We're gearing up for our biggest shootout of the year!! This shootout will have something for everyone, whether you're a newer player looking for some friendly doubles or a track star looking to sprint all over the court for singles.

Here are some key points:
  • Start times will be 10 AM and 2 PM on Saturday, July 15th and Sunday, July 16th respectively.
  • For doubles, you will be expected to find your own partner.
  • Feel free to reach out to me if you're unsure as to which bracket suits you best.
  • The location will be Baldwin, but we have Westwood as a backup so there will be no cancellation due to inclement weather.

Click here
to view all details and sign up.

-Andre/Dre Francis