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Exciting News

Elena Arnold posted over 1 year ago
Most of you know our VP Andre Francis.  If you have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Andre, hang around almost any pickleball court long enough and Andre is sure to show up!  Andre started playing less than two years ago as a way to rehab his spondylolisthesis, a spinal condition that causes a great deal of back pain.

I happened to be at Baldwin the very first day that Andre played pickleball at the park, so I can say firsthand that since then Andre has slimmed down, sped up, and has gotten significantly better!  Andre works hard at our sport and decided to take his training to the next level by attending the PPR (Professional Pickleball Registry) training in early June. 

As the official education and certification partner of USA Pickleball, PPR is the standard when it comes to pickleball instructor certification.  It's an intensive training and only a small percentage of participants pass.  Andre has spent the days since the training waiting nervously to find out his results.

I am VERY proud to announce that as of yesterday, Andre Francis is a PPR Certified Professional!  We look forward to Andre continuing to spread his passion for pickleball throughout our EPPA community and beyond.  Way to go, Andre!
PPR Card