Bear with me, there's a lot of content coming your way! First and foremost, an update on Bob Borgia, former EPPA President's surgery today: Bob is in ICU recovery after a several hour long surgery. They removed the cyst from his pancreas, margins look clear, but more results are coming within the week. Vitals were good throughout. Bob was playing yesterday morning before heading off to surgery- he is TOUGH! Please keep sending those healing thoughts and prayers.
Sunshine Shootout
EPPA is always trying to do our best to appeal to every player in the organization and we strive to offer divisions at all different levels for all ages. There are many costs associated with running a shootout and unfilled divisions are not sustainable, plus more players lead to more competitive excitement. We are keeping both singles divisions due to it being our first time offering singles. If you are 3.0-3.5 player who wants to try singles, SIGN UP.
However, since our women's 3.5 + and mixed doubles 4.0 + did not fill, those divisions are being replaced with TWO novice divisions!
What is a Novice player?
Able to serve the ball in regularly
Knows the two bounce rule and demonstrates it most times
Knows where to stand on the court during serve, serve receive and general play
Saturday, July 15th at 10:00 am: ANY TEAM (males, females, mixed) 59 years old and under
Sunday, July 16th at 10:00 am: ANY TEAM (males, females, mixed) 60 years old and up
You will need to find your own partner to play with, if you need help partnering up respond to this email and we will do our very best to help
If your partner is in a different age group than you, you can play down a group, but your partner can't play up
Example: a mother and daughter started playing 3 months ago. The 65 year old mother can play in 59 and below, but the 30 year old daughter can not play in 60 +
The paddle rack for Court 4 is labeled! The City chose not to level courts by skill level, so this is a good starting point/compromise. See below:
Challenge Court
Reminders about the Challenge Court:
Fancy testing your skills? Court 4, nearest the wall and furthest from the sidewalk, is our designated Challenge Court.
Winners get to stay on for up to three consecutive games without having to split. This is a golden opportunity for anyone wishing to elevate their game by playing other competitive pickleballers.
Two paddles go in for every new game unless it’s the (hopefully not too rare) instance where all four players are coming off as a team has just won 3 in a row.
If no one is waiting to challenge, Court 4 can be used as a general open play court.
This court is designed to add a competitive element to open play. If you aren't in the mood to challenge someone that day, mix in on the other courts.
The biggest adjustment/push, now that EPPA is approaching 400 members, is that we are ALL united in being pickleball ambassadors and encouraging everyone to play mostly with others within their same playing level.
Other Open Play Protocol:
Andre posted an accurate summary of open play etiquette, linked here to review. A few other points have been brought to my attention that are worthy of reminders.
Please bring a ball to open play. Franklin X 40 is the norm for any outdoor tennis surface (Baldwin, Zuck, Asbury, Westwood/Around the Post, Whitford).
Many times a group walks onto the court and no one has a ball. Borrowed pickleballs usually do not make their way back to their owner. If every player brings a ball, marked with his/her initials they are easier to track down and there are plenty if one breaks or wanders off.
Be Chair Aware. If there is an open chair sitting by the big blue wall or on the hillside, most people are willing to share their chair. However, if a player comes off of the court and needs to rest in the shade, please abandon their chair for the rightful owner to use.
Mark your paddle. EPPA members have been upping their paddle game lately and there are some "twinsie" paddles in the holders every day. PLEASE mark your paddle in some way: Address label, personalized paddle band, wild overgrip, etc. This also makes it easier to track down the foursome when a court opens.
Fencing at Zuck Park
Fresh from Millcreek Parks and Rec: they are waiting on the company to install the fencing. Installation date is TBD. Millcreek is eager to get the fencing up, they know we want fencing between the north and south courts, it IS coming. No need to call and ask when, that won't make the company doing the installation get here any faster. Let's celebrate and be appreciative of those beautiful courts while we patiently wait for the installation.
Thank You Time
I realize this was a lot and I hope you stuck with me! I tell everyone who will listen how amazing our EPPA members are. I REALLY hesitate to thank people by name because I'm so afraid of leaving anyone out, but these next two players deserve some recognition and I know they do not want it. Too bad!
Don Wolfe has taken hours of his time running the Church of the Cross group, being admin for the Group Me, drilling holes in and hanging the paddle holders at Baldwin Park, and buying locks to secure the paddle holders. You are amazing, Don. Thank you!
Mark Soukup brings the skills when it comes to laying out/lining/painting courts. He brings the fun shirts, the humor, and the leaf blower to Baldwin pretty much daily. I think he wants to live out his dream of being one of the Ghostbusters walking around with that on his back, but it is a huge help! Mark, you are one of a kind and EPPA is lucky to have you.