The roller squeegee and push broom have been secured to the outside fencing, north side of court 4 (the Challenge Court)
The city suggested we leave them on the outside so no players run into them
Some "Baldwin regulars" have the combination code for the lock- we ask that this is not shared with non-EPPA members. If you are often there early and help with court upkeep and want the code, please respond to this email and I will give it to you!
Please make sure you wrap the chain around the handles and the bottoms of the items (think of making an X shape at the base) so they can't be slid out
When I talked to Chuck and Phil with the city this week, they were happy to report that there have been NO noise complaints from the neighbors!
The only complaint has been about parking. If you are parking on the street, please be cautious to NOT park on anyone's grass.
Taco Tuesday
There are less than 50 spots left for Taco Tuesday on Tuesday, August 8th!
Registration closes this Tuesday, August 1- no late registrations will be accepted due to placing catering orders
Please remember, this event is for EPPA members only as a token of our appreciation for your membership