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News and Notes on local Pickleball

Elena Arnold posted about 1 year ago
As we wind down on 2023 and look forward to 2024, there’s so much to celebrate in our local pickleball community.  2023 brought the addition of MANY courts both outdoor and indoor, numerous tournaments, several learn to play opportunities, clinics to strengthen skills for intermediate players, very fun social events, EPPA’s first ever rating days, and the list goes on. 

We are at a whopping 480 members!  

The EPPA board has many goals for 2024 and the momentum of this year’s success keeps driving us to do and provide more to our pickleball community.  
We truly hope everyone has a happy, healthy holiday season.  Enjoy your time with your friends and family…and hit the courts to play some pickleball!

Some notes to wrap up this year and start the next (there's a lot of info coming your way):

Eastside Y’s Christmas Week Schedule:
  • Gym 1: 
    • Tuesday, December 26- 9-11 am
    • Wednesday, December 27- no pickleball
    • Thursday, December 28- 9-11 am
    • Friday, December 29- no pickleball
  • Gym 2: 
    • No pickleball all Christmas Week

Upcoming local Tournaments:

Presque Isle Pickleball- Senior Shootout on Saturday, January 13.  Please click the link for all information and registration.

Around the Post Shootout- Sunday, January 21 (details and registration coming SOON)

Lakewood YMCA’s annual Snowflake Shootout- January 27 and 28- Please click the link for all information and registration

EPPA will be hosting two upcoming events in early 2024:

  • Details, dates, times, format on both events coming SOON! But we will host a "Learn to Play" Clinic in January and an EPPA Shootout in February.

If you ordered EPPA merchandise, the backordered items will be delivered tomorrow (Friday) around 11 am.  
You can pick up your merchandise at Around the Post (2660 Zuck Road- west end of Westwood’s parking lot) at the following times: 
  • Friday, December 22- 9-10:30 am (backordered items will NOT be there at this time, this is for people who got an email saying their order was IN).  
  • Friday, December 22 4:30-5:30 pm
  • Saturday, December 23 from 10:30-11:30 am AND 3-5 pm

If there is something pickleball related that we missed, please reach out to EPPA via our "Contact Us" tab or email me (Elena) directly at  When we first started this website, we would sometimes have to dig for content to post, but that is definitely no longer an issue.

 EPPA is here to support and grow pickleball to more record breaking numbers in 2024!