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Record Set!

Elena Arnold posted 11 months ago
Our "Dink-o de Mayo" shootout for Sunday, May 5 filled in record time- less than 24 hours!  If you are interested in playing, please get on the waitlist (just wait to pay until if/when you are added to the event) by Sunday, April 21.  We will then look at numbers and do out best to accommodate as many players as we can.  We may need to stagger start times or add courts- no guarantees, but we will try our best!
Register here

Speaking of filling fast- our Annual Members meeting on Tuesday, May 7 is shaping up to be a great event!  If you have not registered, please do soon.  Remember: you MUST be signed in to your EPPA account to view and register (click here). If you need help signing in, visit this link and scroll to the bottom for directions.

Finally- EPPA member, pickleball enthusiast, and ophthalmologist Dr. Robert Haverly wrote and shared a helpful blog post.  Eye injuries in pickleball are on the rise- click here to read more on how to protect yourself!