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Additional Signage and Ladder/Rating Night

Elena Arnold posted 4 months ago

New Signs

Signs have been added to the entrance gates at Baldwin Park (see below).  This is to prevent players from holding court or "camping out" on the courts- which is mostly happening in the evenings.  Baldwin Park has signs stating the rules, but they are located far from the paddle racks and entrance gates. Having the "If players are waiting, rotate off after one game to 11 points" posted more visibly, it should cut down on rotation issues.  Note: This does NOT apply to the challenge court.  Winners can still stay on up to three wins and then rotate off.

We will keep an eye on them, but if you notice they need new zip ties or are succumbing to the elements, please contact an EPPA board member and we will get them fixed.
Entrance signs.jpg 182 KB

Ladder/Rating Night

WOW!  That filled fast!  As promised, a second time slot will be added if we get to 12 on the waitlist (right now we are at 8).  This is for Tuesday, July 2 at Zuck Park. We can allow 24 more players in for the second session.  Once we get to 12, I will open up more spots in the event.
  • The first 24 who signed up will play 6:00-7:15
  • The second group will play 7:30-8:45
  • If you are unsure of which time slot you are in, we will give you your start time on Sunday, June 30 (if we end up adding the second session)

We are ecstatic that so many players want to participate in this wonderful opportunity.  Knowing your rating is the first step towards arranging the most fun and competitive games.  It will also help you if you play at a club that requires a rating and/or travel to leveled courts.  Let's fill that waitlist and add session two!