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You Are Invited!

Elena Arnold posted 6 months ago
Found:  A pickleball bag at Zuck Park (near the parking lot).  If you are missing your bag, please respond to this email and identify it.  

You're Invited

Time to take a road trip to celebrate with our Titusville friends and their six brand new courts! This invitation was extended by EPPA member Don Morris, who was a BIG part of getting these new courts built.

The plan is to have a grand opening on Saturday September 7th from 9:00am-1:00pm (hope for good weather). Fat Chads will be supplying each pickleballer a discount certificate good for only that day of 25%. Bottled water & bananas will be supplied.

Each pickleball player should bring their own chair & tent (some kind of cover), for shade. This grand opening is open for all players from Erie, Warren, Oil City, Franklin, Meadville, Titusville or anyone player that would like to be apart of this exciting day. 

We want to promote our sport and increase the opportunity to play with others. Again the tentative date is Saturday Sept 7th and I will let everyone know if something changes but please mark your calendars so you can all celebrate with us at Ed Myers Complex in Titusville Pa. (Google address: 450-524 Allen Street)