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Whitford Park Pickleball Courts

Renee Majchrzak posted over 2 years ago
I hope you have been able to get out and play a game or 2 on the gorgeous new courts at Whitford Park in Harborcreek.  If not, it's worth the trip! We are so fortunate to have such nice courts installed and look forward to more such courts becoming a reality in other parts of our community in the near future. Pickleball is truly advancing in the Erie region!!
Now that these courts are available, we are trying to organize open play opportunities for outdoor pickleball enthusiasts. I've set up an app, for Whitford Park Picklers, so that we can easily reach out to see who is playing and at what time.  If you'd like to be included in this, and have a smart phone, please reach out to me with your phone number and I'll invite you to download the app and join the group.
We will also offer Beginner Pickleball Lessons at Whitford Park through the month of August on Thursday evenings from 5:00-6:30pm.  The first session is this week, August 4th.  Jim Perrotto will be giving instructions and introducing people to the wonderful sport of Pickleball!  Feel free to invite friends who are interested.