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Helen Pappas Memorial Tournament

Fri, Sep 09 - Sat, Sep 10, 2022
Westwood Racquet Club (2660 Zuck Rd. Erie)

Players registered

Registration is closed

Terms & Conditions

  • Register and pay online. If you cannot do this, please get ahold of one of us, so we can get you inputted into the system. When registering, you MUST provide your full name, an email address, AND a PHONE NUMBER. It will be REQUIRED. You will not be able to sign up without listing a phone number in case we have to contact you other than by email. 
    • Players who register and then find out they need to cancel MUST notify Registration and Tournament committee AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Be responsible/proactive and don’t rely on us to be the ones to have to track you down. 
  • The start times listed are APPROXIMATE based on the anticipated number of rounds to be played. Average games last about 15 to 20 minutes. If things move faster or slower, the assumed end time will change which may affect the start time of the next event. Players are responsible for confirming start times two days ahead of Tournament dates. Tournament committee reserves the right to move start times if a division/event has to be cancelled due to inadequate number of registrants. A minimum number of 3 teams is required to run an event. We will do our best to notify players should times change. It is important that players arrive plenty early in order to help tournament stay on track, and to get signed in, etc. It is our goal to keep the tournament running smoothly, on time, and even hopefully ahead of schedule if possible. 
    • Arrive AT LEAST 60 minutes prior to your anticipated start time in order to get signed in, etc. 
  • Tournament committee also reserves the right to combine divisions if needed due to inadequate number of registrants... and to combine them on how they seem fit on what division/event is at risk not being able to play. For example, if Women’s 4.0 & Above only has one team in it, it would be cancelled. In order to allow them to play, we could possibly move them in to Mixed, or in 3.9 & Below Men’s, etc. 
  •  Anyone signing up that exceeds the limits we place on number of participants will be placed into the “Waitlist”. If someone drops out, then the next person or fully-registered team in line will take their spot. 
    • When doing Mixed Doubles Rotating Partners, we will require an equal number of male and female participants. Any gender signing up that exceeds the limits of the number of a required gender, that person will be put into a male and female Waitlist. If someone drops out, then the next person in line (related to that gender) will take their spot. 
  • For Teams play, registrants are responsible for signing up WITH a teammate. Registration or Tournament committee is not responsible for tracking one down for you. We will do our best to help, but ultimately it is YOUR responsibility to confirm a partner. Once registration is closed, and you do not have a confirmed partner, the Tournament committee has the right to remove you from the event. 
    • You have until the deadline given for your partner to register. After that date, committees reserve the right to replace your team with a fully registered Waitlisted team.