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EPPA Members Only Christmas Party

Sun, Dec 10, 05:00 PM
Around the Post- 2660 Zuck Road Suite B
143 / 150
Waitlist: 0
Registration is closed
Last year's party was SO fun that we are making this one bigger and better! Meals catered by Valerios, mingling with pickleball friends, listening to Christmas music, and the best part- playing pickleball!

We are using the courts at Around the Post AND taking over multiple courts on the Westwood side to make this our biggest event yet!

Open to all EPPA members, you do not need to be an Around the Post Member to attend.  However, due to our growing membership, no guests of EPPA members are allowed.  

We appreciate your membership and always looks for ways to add even more value for YOU!  This event is FREE to all members- as long as you register. You can't just show up at the door and ask to get in.  Sorry!  With nearly 500 members, we need to have regulations in place to account for food, the number of courts needed, etc.

We love all of your family and friends- they allow you to play pickleball for many hours a week.  We will host other events to accommodate them (like our donut event in June), but due to capacity at the venue and catering logistics: this event is capped at 125 EPPA members.

If you know a non-EPPA member who absolutely can't miss this event- please encourage him/her to join at

A few reminders:

  • To register, you MUST be logged into your EPPA account
  • If you don't know your password, select the "Send Log-in Link" option and check your email within 20 minutes.  That link will take you right to your account
  • If you need help, respond to this email and we can help- we can not sign you up for the event since registration has to be completed by the member, but we can walk you through it
  • We respectfully ask that if you sign up and can't attend, PLEASE withdraw or email and let us know as we do not want food to go to waste!

Fun Twist

The most festive attire (that you can play pickleball in) will be awarded a prize!  Bring on your best gear- last years winners will be hard to top. 
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Another Fun Twist

A BEAUTIFUL pickleball bird house was generously donated by EPPA member Sue Behme!  Every person in attendance will get ONE free raffle ticket.  Additional tickets available to be purchased.  This is a perfect gift for your favorite pickleball player- YOU!
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