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Urban University “Be The Change” Shootout

Sat, Apr 29, 2023
Westwood Racquet Club (2660 Zuck Rd. Erie)

Players registered

Urban University is a program of the Erie City Mission that seeks to develop junior high and high school students in Erie County toward servant leadership through a variety of experiences that include career exploration, academic enrichment, commerce, service learning, mentorship, and faith formation.

This shootout, in collaboration with Erie Pickleball Player's Association, will serve as a fundraiser for our programs first mission trip to serve the community of youth at the Kingswood Home For Children in Bean Station, TN, July 2023. In addition to the shootout, raffle items will also be available for purchase at the event. We appreciate your support in this endeavor.
"Be the Change"

Need Help Registering?


2 Divisions:
Competitive-8 Teams Max
Fun- 8 Teams Max
ANY Team (Youth, Men’s, Women’s or Mixed)
Round Robin (pre-select your partner for doubles)
Players may only register for ONE division!
Awards presented to 1st-4th places


Westwood Racquet Club – 2660 W, Zuck Road, Erie, PA
Indoor Tennis Facility played on hardcourt tennis surface/6 courts will be used


All divisions start play at 3:00PM, Check-in begins at 2:30PM, please arrive no later than 2:45PM


Entry Fee-$25.00 (+online service fee)/player 
Everyone is required to register and pay online. If you have not fully paid by registration deadline, we reserve the right to move a team from the waitlist into your spot.


Franklin X-40 Pickleballs provided


Food, snacks, and beverages will be provided for registered players


Support our fundraising efforts through our raffle with great baskets and prizes.
Every winning team for each Round Robin match will get two tickets each.
Every losing team for each Round Robin match will get one ticket each.
Spectators will receive two tickets as a thank you for attending.
Additional tickets may be purchased at event.