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Meeting and More

THANK YOU to the many EPPA members that came to our first ever members meeting!  We felt the excitement in the room and appreciated all of your comments, concerns, and feedback.  You were heard and we are excited to keep the momentum going as we e...

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Online Membership Renewal HELP

For those of you who are attending our meeting tonite, our TEAM will be available to assist you with your online membership renewal. Just bring your cell phone and we’ll walk you through it. Look forward to seeing everyone tonite.

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members only

Need your help

Hi Pickleballers, We are making BIG progress with our website!  The addition of online dues collection and a smoother path of communication is helping us to grow as an organization.  Thanks for being patient as upgrades and changes occur.  We wan...

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Baldwin Park Updates

The weather is getting warmer and members are heading outdoors to play.  We will provide construction updates as they are available.  The fencing project at Baldwin is finished!  No more chasing balls into the grass and across the basketball court...

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The results are in!

It was an active weekend at the Edinboro YMCA.  About 40 avid pickleballers participated in the EPPA March Shootout and the competition was FIERCE!  THANK YOU to all of the EPPA Board Members and helpers who organized and executed a successful tou...

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Indoor Play Opportunities

Eastside YMCA , 2101 Nagle Road, Harborcreek Monday: 11:00am – 1:00pm Tuesday: 11:00am – 1:00pm & 6:00 – 8:00pm (this evening slot is a NEWLY ADDED time!!) Beginner training 11:00am – 1:00pm in 2nd gym (instruction available) Wednesday:  11:00am ...

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