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Pre-tournament volunteers

Hello, everyone. We’re preparing for the Helen Pappas tournament and would sure appreciate some volunteers. First, we need 4 portable nets. If you can lend us one please give me a call (8146024013). Secondly, we need help taping the courts on Frid...

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Eastside Y Open Play

Hello Eastside Y Picklers! This Wednesday, September 7th, there will be no pickleball at the Eastside Y, the as there will be a brunch/picnic that will be held in the gym. The Glenwood YMCA offers open play at 9:00am and you are welcome to play th...

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Helen Pappas Memorial Tournament

Helen was one of the first people to take up the game of pickleball in Erie.  She was around 80 years old.  She played  at the Glenwood YMCA three times a week.  It was there where she was given the name “Pickleball Queen”. She kept playing until ...

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members only

Relish This- Invitation

All EPPA members are being invited to the Kahkwa Club's Pickleball Open House.  Go check out their six new courts if you haven't seen them yet!  See the attached flyer for all information and try to take advantage of this fun opportunity, [Pickleb...

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Thank you!

Today's pickleball Open House at Westwood Racquet Club was a BIG success.  Personally, my favorite part was seeing so many long time members mingling with all of the newcomers!  We had several players new to the area and even fresh to the pickleba...

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Open Play Tomorrow

Don’t forget! Tomorrow (Sunday) 9-11 am open play at Westwood Racquet Club (2660 Zuck Road). Four courts lined and ready to go, as well as donuts! Who can turn down pickleball and donuts? Come see what Westwood (and the EPPA) are all about. 

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members only

Relish This- Calling All Coaches

If you are a coach or potential coach, we could use your help!  Many new players are picking up the paddles and giving pickleball a try.  We are in need of experienced players who are willing to teach the BASICS of pickleball.  If you are willing,...

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Westwood Open House- Sunday, August 28

Looking for some practice for the upcoming EPPA tournament? Come check out Westwood Racquet Club, 2660 Zuck Road, this Sunday, August 28 from 9-11 am for OPEN PLAY, and donuts! Free for all. Come see what Westwood has to offer- central location, g...

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Helen Pappas Memorial Tournament

Registration is now OPEN for the Helen Pappas Memorial Tournament!  We listened to member input and will be offering SKINNY SINGLES (Mens and Womens) for the first time ever.  We will cap these divisions at 6 players, so if you are interested, sig...

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Relish This- Getting Ready

This week's update is all about "getting ready" because there's a lot of pickleball fun coming your way! 1.  Get ready to renew-  • Our August renewal group was large.  Thanks to those of you who renewed your EPPA membership already.  If you have...

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Baldwin Park Update

Demolition continues!  Bye bye to the old, cracked, weed filled asphalt in the back. These pictures are very exciting to me, so keep them coming if you are there and see progress.    [8/15/22] [8/15/22]

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members only

Relish this- Odds and Ends

We have a really big group of members who are up for renewal in August!  When you log into the site, there will be a banner at the top telling you how many days you have left for your membership.  It will also have a place to click "Renew now".  Y...

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National Pickleball Day

Today is National Pickleball Day! We hope you get some good games in as a way of celebrating. The BEST way to celebrate, though, is to see the progress already being made at Baldwin Park. Demolition never looked so good.  [Back courts][Fencing][Fe...

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814 Concert Series at Baldwin Park

What a wonderful- and HOT- night at Baldwin Park. Neighbors, music lovers, and pickleball players united for a great time. It was amazing to see so many EPPA members enjoying competitive games and/or the music of the drum circle and Mambo (great j...

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Mambo Clarification

The date on the flyer from the city was WRONG! Mambo will in fact be playing at Baldwin Park tomorrow, Sunday August 7th. All other info appears to be correct- drum circle at 4, Mambo at 6pm. 

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MAMBO concert and Dinkin' Donuts Update

Baldwin Park has been a hot topic this week, so let's celebrate the park and the plans for pickleball expansion there! Perfect time to come out and support Mambo (featuring our very own Julio, with a guest appearance by Andre) as they perform tomo...

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members only

Demo Paddles

Just a FYI- If you are planning to go to Dinkin' Donuts at Baldwin Park tomorrow morning, there will also be demo paddles to try courtesy of our very own EPPA member Oto Hlincik and Royal Pickleball.  If you have been thinking it's time for a new ...

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MORE Dates to Save

Let's keep the fun rolling! On Tuesday, August 16th a group is planning to go to Civic Center Park in Mentor, Ohio (8523 Munson Road) to visit their courts and listen to live music afterwards.  Every Tuesday they have a band and food trucks. The g...

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Dinkin' Donuts

So, what could be better than playing pickleball on Saturday morning with friends?? Dinkin' and Donuts!! EPPA would like to spoil our members by offering free donuts, iced coffee and juice at 4 outdoor locations this Saturday morning from 9:30am -...

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members only

Relish this- Update

I'm making this a private post for EPPA members only for now because you all deserve to be the FIRST to know.  In the words of Chuck Zysk, who is in charge of The City of Erie Parks and Rec: "The Baldwin Park Pickleball Court project received fi...

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